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  • 叙事作文
  • 2023-08-05

书海初航作文500字?篇一:书海初航作文 高尔基说:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”看起来,书就是一本小册子,很普通,打开它,认认真真的品读,它就会引领我们进入知识的殿堂。幼儿园时,我爱书,那么,书海初航作文500字?一起来了解一下吧。








1. 以炫仿歼李备迟富改指价值观,人生观为话题的作文

This will certainly be helpful! The answer will tell you that the principle of operation of our hearts! He is his own best psychiatrist! Because no one better than you know yourself. Psychological suggestion! With fear, according to a subconscious affect our case, there is a single-plank bridge, people can easily in the past, but, if the bridge to raise one hundred feet of it! Then your subconscious would imagine a lot of you fall on the bridge all the way! That's your subconscious at work! When you are hesitant, often subconscious overe your conscious mind, that is, these fantasies will directly affect your thoughts, your ideas timid, and naturally there will be no self-confidence, even if you had a S & P closed eyes can through ordinary bridge, when your subconscious mind there have been various bad scenarios that may occur when you are, you will be timid, it will not have any confidence, eradication method is! Do not hesitate to confidently face it, as long as you are confident to face the first beat, so that you do not fear the beginning, the most direct way is to use his anger to go to the heart of the fear away! ! Tell those bad things, you are sacrosanct in! Unable to face the difficulties you!Smart people more receptive heart hint as rich imagination! If you really do not easily get rid of fear, it is repeatedly trying to contact the fear, fear of contact with what what, remember the fear of your body and mind to face with anger that image, when you try more, and those who fear it will not affect you , there to tell others of your experience fear, as it will reduce your stress, it is important, be sure to use the inner anger to defeat him, imagine the fear in front of you so timid even evil picture !! dream, you will not be afraid!In the Medical Association of Health is divided into o, one is in good health, one is mental health. Here to give you some enhanced subconscious, so long as you stick to a month to practice out loud, I believe you will gradually bee a very successful and confident health personnel!One day I attracted a lot of success and wealthCan I have o beautiful things on earth anyI am a very successful three peopleFour I had a successful life is balancedI am willing to accept five more wealth and greater achievementsSix successful opportunity to get rich continue to be attracted by meSeven success must belong to meEight because I'm worth itNine I have a lot of wealthTen of my life is full of joy and hopeI have eleven unparalleled confidence and charmTwelve my thoughts focused on creating success and wealthI have a great idea thirteenFourteen I have super strength to actI enjoy every day at work fifteenSixteen lot of success and wealth flow to meSeventeen I seem like a mag to attract a lot of success and wealthEvery day I am very lucky eighteenNieen I live a happy, happy, and happy lifeTwenty Yes, I can have it allTwenty-one I can achieve any of the goals and idealsLatent (awareness) linesI love you = I want you to your body but also your mind that you are good to me so I can add some inadequacies that I get the feeling of a more perfect soulI hate you, I hate you, you = suppress freedom of my subconscious (including: the freedom to better develop powerful subconscious or freedom)I respect you = thee my subconscious is also something I did not want to have= Depressed heart to stop the flow of energy can not be enrichedHappy = beautiful free-flowing stream of consciousness is open energy awareness to get the whole feeling positive holographicAnger = something hinder freedom of my mind I want to bulge more gas to help me break the obstacle to achieve their goals!= I want a good self-esteem so right now I am not sure I am sure that in my mind, so I'm not sure my realityConfident = I believe in myself and I am sure I have failed myself wrong calmly face though I'm not perfect, but now I think I will get to the good life= Dark because of a lack of confidence and wisdom ATP and other nervous energy can not enter the appropriate information in the nerve chain can not generate new energy and wisdom of thinking makes gloomy soul witherFaith is confidence = mander who manded one of the gas of the people I have confidence in the army, although as yet no confidence initiated by the mander of the body of the gas are listening to your beck and call for your useFeeling is broad and wide not to use the above ideas to replace their feelings above just to say a few words the feeling of itThinking is not the same with the real love to see the world with the thinking of people as in the cave as his own shadow, like a shadow that is clearly believes he has been pletely myself with 。


书——我的精神食粮。如果没有书,人类的大脑的思想就永远只能处在 一个低等的境界。书是一艘船,只有它,才能带领我们驶向广阔的生活海洋。

我刚接触书,是在五岁的时候。在舅舅家,我见凯闷到表界张在拿着一本厚厚的东西看。我感到好奇,便问:“表姐,这是什么呀?”“是书呀!”“书?书是什么?和糖一样甜吗?”表姐哭笑不得。就在这时,舅舅来了,他笑说:“书是甜的,它可以让你懂得很多哲理趣味。它能给人美的享受。”“真的?表姐看的是什么书 呀?””《大学》。那天以后没孙裂,舅舅送了我好多书。于是,我便开始读了《大学》、《中庸》、《笠翁对韵》......


十岁,我有斤毫年个 可以自己看一些没有拼音的书报了。遇到不认识的字,我便会查字典。我又学到了很多课本里没有的知识。










